Significance of Building Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Resistance

Sato Kazuyoshi, President of the Movement for Democratic Socialism

5. Significance of solidarity with Iraqi Civil Resistance

In order to end the occupation and to build democracy in Iraq, it is necessary to strengthen the movement of the Iraqi Civil Resistance. Ending the occupation will make a great step forward in containing the bellicose circles of global capitalism. It is the solidarity with the Iraqi Civil Resistance that will open up a vista to the forces of peace and democracy in the world. The terrorism of the Islamic armed forces is a big obstacle to the victory of the world anti-war movements. The world anti-war movements must criticize the Islamic armed forces and strengthen solidarity with the Iraqi Civil Resistance. We must also proceed, from containing the use of military power, in the direction of regulating global capitalism and demolishing the global capitalists' weapons: war and unemployment. The process, indeed, is the road toward democratic socialism in the world.

The Japanese movements for peace and democracy must stop the overseas deployment of Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) by realizing its withdrawal from Iraq's occupation, and promote the struggles to dispel the SDF from our localities via campaigning for Non-Defended Locality declarations. It is a task of the Japanese anti-war movement to deprive the Japanese SDF, which plays a role in the bellicose forces of global capitalism, of a comfortable place to stay in both at home and abroad. With Article 9 of the Constitution practically eviscerated, it is necessary to contain the Japanese military through the withdrawal of occupying forces and a national campaign for Non-Defended Localities. In solidarity with the anti-war movements of the world, we have to dispel the militaries of global capitalism all over the world. That will be the road toward people's victory, and therefore, the road toward constructing democratic socialism.


1 Eric Ruder,"The right to resist", July 2, 2004 at:

2 Eric Ruder, "U.S. out of Iraq now!", April 23, 2004 at: OutNow.shtml

3 Caneisha Mills,"The antiwar movement and the Iraqi resistance"at:

4 Mahmood Ketabchi, "Which Side is the ISO on, Working Class Socialism or Nationalism and Islamism?", July 8, 2004 at:

5 Mahmood Ketabchi, "Debunking Left Nationalism and Bourgeoisie Criticism of Imperialism" at:

6 Shamal Ali, "The 'Iraqi Resistance' and Worker-communists", May 22, 2004 at:

7 Toma Hamid, "The Iraqi 'Resistance' and the Pressure Group Mentality of many on the Left" at:

8 Marx / Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party" Kokuminbunko, p.74

9 Union of Unemployed in Iraq (UUI):

10 As for the information on Iraqi Civil Resistance in the Japanese language, refer to the following websites:
Iraqi Civil Resistance Solidarity Committee (


11 The WCPI, at its Central Committee meeting in November 2004, adopted a resolution to boycott the election, saying that 'Iraq's election is a delusion project, which must be boycotted and defeated.'


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